This is the first answer I get:
By collecting and analyzing all the Ahadith on portrait and image making, the complete picture which emerges is that a particular category of pictures and portraits had acquired the status of idols and were worshipped. They were regarded as deities by the people of Arabia. As such, they used to consider them alive and capable of granting them their wishes.That's forbidden, but the prohibition of portraits can easily be understood: only portraits which possess religious sanctity and lead people into worshipping them are prohibited.
Second answer is:
The words of the Prophet (sws) as quoted in the Sahih of Bukhari are:
Creators of images shall be chastised and asked to inject life in them and they shall be unable to do so. (Kitab al-Libas) that's mean, you must give a life to the thing you created which we are impossible for us human but only if you believe that you can seek for help from the thing, and consider it as God.